CrossFit drives unparalleled results. We actually make people fit, and we make them fitter faster and more safely than any program out there. Over five million people worldwide do CrossFit, and its growing.

Why is CrossFit so effective? The CrossFit methodology is the driver of our unparalleled efficacy – it is a lifestyle of safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition.

CrossFit as a fitness program is composed of three definitive elements:

  • Constantly varied
  • Functional movements
  • Executed at a high relative intensity

Constantly varied: CrossFit programming strategically varies the workout stimulus every day. We don’t just exercise, we train and practice all of the ten general physical skills: cardiovascular, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy. You are as fit as you are competent in each of these, and our programming is planned and structured so that you are developing and improving in all of these.

This means you are prepared for anything and everything in life – plus you’ll never get bored!

Functional movements: In CrossFit we train functional movements because they are the movements that life demands. Deadlifts, squats, shoulder presses are examples of movements we train in CrossFit that are essential in life – you need to be able to pick something off the floor, get up out of a chair, placed an item up on a shelf.

When we lose the ability to perform functional movements, we lose the ability to live independently. These are ‘natural’ movements, meaning they are not movement patterns used only at the gym.

High relative intensity: In CrossFit we focus first on moving well with consistency, and then we work on increasing intensity. Intensity is relative – a workout that is intense for one person may not be for another, and that is why every workout and every movement has options and variations to suit anyone’s relative intensity. The goal is to work hard within the limits of your own physical and psychological capacities, because that’s how you get results – increasing the loads lifted develops strength. Increasing the repetitions you can complete increases stamina and endurance. Completing a set amount of repetitions faster increases several capacities at once.

If you’re relative intensity is rising over time and across many different workouts, it means you are getting fitter.


What we eat is the foundation our of overall health, and plays a critical role in our fitness. Consuming the right types of food in the proper quantities is howe we maximise athletic development, and is critical in longevity and protecting your health.

Our approach is straightforward: eat meat (protein) and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no added sugar, in quantities that support exercise but not body fat.

What to read more about the CrossFit methodology? Check out this article from Nicole Carroll, GM of CrossFit Education: