CrossFit is so much more than your typical group fitness class, and one big differentiator is the CrossFit Coach.

The CrossFit coaching standard is the gold standard in the fitness industry. We ask a lot of our coaches.
And we believe the act of coaching is deliberate, focused attention: looking at one person at a time, caring deeply about their hopes and challenges, and helping them progress step by step so they can discover their true potential.

Coaching is about creating change. Great coaches produce great outcomes, in part, through what they do with athletes in the gym: teaching movement, identifying errors, cueing corrections, and pushing athletes to improve.

Group fitness classes are usually about packing people into a room and having them follow along with the instructor to the best of their ability. Typically, participants may get a workout in, but they don’t get the same benefits — the results — they would when working with a really great coach.

We think the act of coaching or training is very different from simply leading a class. The CrossFit coach is not a cheerleader or a character who is there to entertain. Instead, our coaches display true character through knowing and serving someone else with the goal of helping them achieve their goals.

A CrossFit coach is more than a motivator and time keeper. We also:
– get to know you and your goals, to ensure you are on the right track to meet those goals.
– modify the workout each day to ensure it is suitable for your current abilities.
– keep you safe by correcting poor mechanics and adjusting intensity.
– teaching correct technique so you are empowered to progress.

Our coaches uphold these standards of professionalism, with a commitment to the CrossFit methodology, and provide an experience in a group class setting that is often only found one-on-one. You feel challenged, supported, and confident in your coach’s ability to help you achieve your goals. While great coaching can seem effortless, the reality is many skills, attributes, experiences, and techniques came together to create that coaching magic.