
Never tried CrossFit before and unsure about giving it a go?

Contact us to book in a complimentary Fundamentals class. Designed for those new to CrossFit or coming back from an extended break, it’s a great way to learn the basics before stepping into your first class.

We run these in either small groups, or one-on-one, outside of our CrossFit classes. In the session we will show you around the gym, teach you what CrossFit is all about, and you will learn the fundamental movements that are performed during CrossFit classes. These sessions will set you up to then join a CrossFit class and see if CrossFit is right for you!

Our Fundamentals Classes focus on:

  • Mechanics – Learning the movement
  • Consistency – Being able to repeat the movement correctly over and over
  • Intensity – Learning how to pace a workout to get the desired stimulus

How do the sessions work?
Generally, we recommend attending two sessions, depending on your experience. These sessions will start by focusing on the fundamental movements of CrossFit:

  • Lower Body: Squats, hinge movements (deadlifts, cleans, etc)
  • Upper Body: Presses (strict, push press, jerks) & Pull movements

Each session will focus on building your understanding, technique, and form for each fundamental movement.

This will be followed by a workout at the end of each session to put your learning into action and to help build your confidence walking into any CrossFit class setting.

Contact us on the button below to arrange your first Fundamentals session!