Edwine Clayton

Physical activity has always been an integral part of my life, leading me to gain a Bachelors degree in Exercise Science at Auckland University of Technology. While studying, I was actively competing in martial arts. Like many however, I was intrigued after seeing the CrossFit Games on TV. When I mentioned my interest to a classmate, she encouraged me to try a class at my local CrossFit gym. In 2013, I took her advice and signed up for the introductory On Ramp course to learn the fundamentals. Over 10 years later, I’m still doing CrossFit regularly. It helps that my husband, whom I met that same year, got hooked as well. Between my background in exercise science and experience as a personal trainer, coaching felt like a natural progression.

I coach because I thrive on connecting with people and sharing my knowledge of fitness and CrossFit. It’s genuinely fulfilling to witness those lightbulb moments when something clicks, as well as seeing athletes conquer challenges, they once deemed impossible.