Holly Baker

I found CrossFit in 2012 and was instantly captured by the permission it gave me to focus on what my body could do over how it looked. It gave me permission to chase being strong over being skinny. And for that I am forever grateful.

I fell in love with Olympic lifting, the community of CrossFit and how as a methodology it zoomed out and looked at the whole picture of health. I planned to do my CF and Olympic lifting Level 1 to become a coach back in 2013, but fell pregnant and my focus shifted for a season.

Fast forward over a decade, to two babies later, a move from Aust to NZ, and my degree in Natural Medicine, I am now culminating my love of holistic health and movement by becoming part of the coaching team at CrossFit Affinity.

As a qualified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist and Naturopath, I believe our bodies are designed to be healthy and heal themselves. My goal is to educate and empower individuals to take control of their health and equip their bodies to be healthy. I am passionate about training others so they can be strong and confident and ready to take on anything life throws at them. 



  • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
  • Certificate 4 Personal Trainer
  • Registered Clinical Nutritionist
  • Bachelor of Natural Medicine